Tools palette
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colorBitmapped images are created on a grid of pixels. You create the image by setting each pixel to a foreground or background color. Strictly speaking, there's no difference between the foreground and background color. There is, however, a difference in how you choose foreground and background colors and in how they are created when you edit the bitmapped image.
The Image editor's 16-color Colors palette makes it easy to choose foreground and background colors. You can work with a Colors palette even if your image is black and white.
You use the Colors palette to choose:
ü A Foregroundcolor  
ü A Backgroundcolor  

animate Animation. Open the Animation window. In this window you can open, edit and create yours animated files.

video Video. Open the Frames sampling panel. For sampling of separate frames offers a choice of frames range and color mode.

text1 Text. Add text to the image.
To add text to your image, choose the Text tool and click where you want the text to begin. Text is always displayed in the current Foregroundcolor.

line Line. Paint straight lines.
Use the Line tool to paint straight lines. Press the mouse button and drag the Line tool across your image. Release the mouse button when you've finished drawing the line.
·Use the left mouse button to sketch with the current Foregroundcolor.  
·Use the right mouse button to sketch with the current Backgroundcolor.  
Before you paint a line, you might want to specify the line width and choose the foreground and background colors.

rect Rectangle. Draw a rectangle on the image.
To paint a rectangle, place the tool cross hairs where you want the corner of the frame to start. Then click a mouse button and drag the tool until the frame outline surrounds the area you want. Release the mouse button.
·Use the left mouse button to sketch with the current Foregroundcolor.  
·Use the right mouse button to sketch with the current Backgroundcolor.  
Before you paint a rectangle, you might want to specify the line width and choose the foreground and background colors.

ellipse Ellipse. Draw an ellipse on the image.
To paint an ellipse, place the tool cross hairs where you want the corner of the frame to start. Then click a mouse button and drag the tool until the frame outline surrounds the area you want. Release the mouse button.
·Use the left mouse button to sketch with the current Foregroundcolor.  
·Use the right mouse button to sketch with the current Backgroundcolor.  
Before you paint an ellipse, you might want to specify the line width and choose the foreground and background colors.

select1 button selects the entire image. The selected area will be outlined with a white-black animated region. Selected region is sizeable and moveable.
select1 button creates a mask from rectangular selection.  
select2 button creates a mask from polygonal selection.  
select3 button creates a mask from elliptical selection.  
select4 button creates a mask from freehand selection.  
select5 button creates a mask from magic wand.

pencil-art Art Draw. Draw a line or rectangle using the current pattern and shape.

eyedropper Eye Dropper. Display color under the cursor.
Use the Eye Dropper tool to copy a color from the current image.
To select a color for use with any tool,
·Select the Eye Dropper from the Tool palette.  
·Click to copy the color as a foreground color, or right-click to copy the color as a background color.  
·Select the tool you want to use with the new color.  

brush Brush. Paint free-form patterns on the image.
Use the Brush tool to paint free-form patterns using the current brush pattern and shape. To paint, click a mouse button and drag the brush across your image. Release the mouse button when you finish painting.
·Use the left mouse button to sketch with the current Foregroundcolor.  
·Use the right mouse button to sketch with the current Backgroundcolor.  
Before you use the brush, you might want to select the brush shape and size, and the foreground and background colors.

spray Spray. Place more color in a region as time goes on.
The Spray tool paints free-form patterns similar to a real spray on your image using the current Spray pattern and shape.
To use the spray, you can either click a mouse button once and drag the spray, or you can click it repeatedly, as if you were repeatedly pressing the nozzle of a spray can. If you drag it slowly, it paints a thick pattern. If you drag it quickly, it paints a scattered, thinner pattern.
·Use the left mouse button to paint with the current Foregroundcolor.  
·Use the right mouse button to paint with the current Backgroundcolor.  
Before you use the spray, you might want to select the foreground and background colors and specify the spray shape and pattern.

fill Fill. Fill an area of the image with color.
Use the Fill tool to fill an area of your image with the currently selected color. It fills in any area of your image that is a single color.
·If you use this tool on an area that's not entirely surrounded by other colors, the color leaks out into other parts of the image that are the same color as the original area.  
To use the Fill tool, point the cursor cross hairs in the portion of the image you want to fill, then click a mouse button.
·Use the left mouse button to sketch with the current Foregroundcolor.  
·Use the right mouse button to sketch with the current Backgroundcolor.  
Before you use the Fill tool, you might want to specify the foreground and background colors.